April 20, 2024

Gameology News

Know Your Games

‘Collection of Mana’ Crossover with ‘Last Cloudia’ Now Available

1 min read

Last Cloudia, the action-packed JRPG released last month in North America, crosses over with Square Enix’s Collection of Mana in a limited-time event starting today, Nov. 26, 10 AM PT! This event brings new unlockable heroes, in-game events, items, and music from Final Fantasy Adventure, Secret of Mana, and Trials of Mana to the world of Granzelia.

From now until Dec. 13, unlock the three beloved protagonists from Secret of Mana as playable characters: Randi, Primm, and Popoi! Customize your heroes and take them into intense PvP battles.



In this debut crossover event for Last Cloudia, play through Mana-event quests with real-time battles featuring equipment and classic music tracks from the series. Obtain the three Collection of Mana Arks and earn special stat bonuses and skills for your characters.

The Collection of Mana and Last Cloudia crossover is available starting now until Dec. 13!